Employer Partnerships
Why choose ABC for your staff childcare benefit?
At ABC Academy, we offer tailored, community-based solutions for solving your staff’s childcare needs.
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If you’re interested in offering a childcare benefit to your staff, choosing ABC allows you to subsidize as much or as little as you want. You can also pay upfront to reserve a number of spots for your employees (“backup care”).
Flexible Childcare Benefits Packages
By offering childcare to your employees, you’re simplifying their lives, improving company morale, and helping to attract and retain your talented employees. Let’s build a flexible childcare benefits package that satisfies your employees’ needs.
Tax Benefits
Another great reason for offering a childcare benefit to your staff is that businesses get tax write-offs for subsidized care.

What are the benefits of partnering with ABC Academy?
Employers benefit from having a community-based solution for solving their employees’ childcare needs. We are also waiving the enrollment fees for business partnerships.
What is the positive business impact of offering subsidized childcare?
Offering childcare is great for your business’s bottom line. U.S. companies lose $3 billion annually as a consequence of childcare-related absences, estimates the Child Care Action Campaign. What’s more, 85% of employers report that providing child care services improves employee recruitment, and a child care program can reduce employee turnover by 60%.
What are the details of the benefit?
You decide what details best fit your business and your employees. Our staff can work with your team to create a unique childcare benefit program for your organization.
Where are your centers located?
We have five locations, Lansing Ave, Laurence Ave, Emmons Road (on the Jackson College Campus), and at Dibble*, Hunt* elementary schools.
* Note: there is no tuition-based program offered at Dibble and Hunt. Families must qualify for the Great Start Readiness Program, a free Pre-K program
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Employee Partnerships